Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sustainable Sites Credit 5.1
Sustainable Sites Credit 4.4
Parking Capacity

Sustainable Sites Credit 4.3
Low-Emission & Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

Monday, March 9, 2009
Sustainable Sites Credit 4.2
Sustainable Sites Credit 4.1

We meet the criteria for (2) points under this public transportation access credit. the first point is locating the project within 1/2 mile of a planned and funded light rail station. Dallas' Green Line station at JB Jackson Transit Center has platforms under construction 0.24 miles from the project site, exceeding the 0.50 mile requirement. The photograph below shows the platforms at the new MLK Green Line station scheduled to open September, 2009.

The following text is the USGBC requirement for SS Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access:
Public Transportation Access
Reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use
Locate pollution project within 1/2 mile of an existing - or planned and funded - commuter rail, light rail or subway station.
Locate project within 1/4 mile of one or more stops for two or more public or campus bus lines usable by building occupants.
Potential Technologies & Strategies
Perform a transportation survey of the future building occupants to identify transportation needs. Site the building near mass transit.
Exemplary Performance
Projects may be awarded one innovation point for Exemplary performance in alternative transportation, SS credit 4, by instituting a comprehensive transportation management plan that demonstrates a quantifiable reduction in personal automobile use through the implementation of multiple alternative options.
The guiding goal is to quadruple ridership of mass transit. The minimum requirements are:
Locate the project within 1/2 mile of at least two existing commuter rail, light rail or subway lines, OR locate project within 1/4 mile of at least two or more stops for four or more public or campus bus lines usable by the building occupants;
Frequency of service must be such that at least 200 transit rides per day are available in total at these stops. A combination of rail and bus is allowable.
1 Point - Exemplary Performance

Monday, February 9, 2009
Sustainable Sites Credit 3
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sustainable Sites Credit 2
Development Density & Community Connectivity allows you to earn points for density by locating your project in an area of two story buildings or with a quota of community services like banks and restaurants nearby.

- Banks
- Places of Worship
- Convenience Grocers
- Day Care
- Cleaners
- Fire Stations
- Beauty
- Hardware
- Laundry
- Library
- Medical/Dental
- Senior Care Facility
- Park
- Pharmacy
- Post Office
- Restaurant (maximum 2 may be counted)
- School
- Supermarket
- Commercial Office
- Community Center
- Fitness Center
- Museum
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Sustainable Sites Credit 1
It is easier to simply state that the site was previously developed than discussing the average grading and permeability of the soil. This was not prime farmland or farmland of any kind when purchased.
Sustainable Sites Prerequisite 1

Building a sustainable building begins with the land selected for the project. As you will see with other LEED categories there are prerequisites that must be met or no LEED certification will be possible.
LEED and the USGBC

First, a little about LEED and the USGBC. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. There's more than one green building rating organization, but the US Green Building Council (USGBC) is the most recognized. Forward-thinking cities across the country are requiring new buildings to Meet LEED standards for building performance. Dallas is one such city requiring LEED performance from new buildings.
Dallas, TX
Azure Tower
City of Dallas Fire Station 40
City of Dallas Northwest Service Center
Dallas Public Library - Lockwood Branch
Dallas Public Library - West Love Field Branch
Dallas South Central Police Station
Hampton/Illinois Branch Library
McCommas ECO Training Center
The da Vinci School Relocation
The Senior Source
Timberglen Branch Library
Walnut Hill Branch Library
"The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization with a vision of a sustainable built environment within a generation. Its membership includes corporations, builders, universities, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations. USGBC is dedicated to expanding green building practices and education, and its LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System™."
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Site Survey

As part of the closing arrangement, the site was surveyed by a civil engineer before the property was purchased. On Saturday Raymond and Mike helped me mark the approximate corners of the parcel and located a mature tree with a 50' crown on our site plan. We are looking for ways to accommodate the tree and avoid removing it.
Document Research

In order to document previous development on the site for LEED points, Mike and I searched the documents on file in the Building Department. We found permit drawings for the residential building that was on the site before it was demolished in 1989.
Dallas Inspectional Services

Working on this LEED Urban-Infill project in the Fair Park area of Dallas is interesting and challenging. We have a 35,000 SF property that we are developing as a multifamily residential complex that will meet LEED requirements for New Construction.